197 answers have been researched
out of a potential 197 (197 Companies x 1 Metrics).

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Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act requires a commercial organisation that has a turnover of over £36 million with operations in the UK to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement each year which sets out the steps it has taken to ensure there is no slavery or trafficking in its supply chains or its own business, or states that it has taken no such steps.

Should a company find instances of modern slavery in its own operations and/or supply chain, the company has a responsibility to respect the human rights of those affected, and should take steps to investigate and ‘provide for or cooperate in their remediation through legitimate processes’ (UN Guiding Principles). This can include taking collaborative approaches, such as working with the supplier to tackle the problem through corrective action plans, or more punitive action such as cancelling contracts with the supplier. Working with suppliers will help to prevent such instances occurring in the future and will reinforce respect for human rights throughout the supply chain.

For further information on remediation please refer to the Home Office Guidance, pp. 34 and 37.

For further information on Corrective Action Plans please refer to the Walk Free Foundation Guidance, pp. 31 – 34.


This metric assesses:

Has the company disclosed the steps it would take if a supplier or internal department is found to be engaging in any activities related to modern slavery or human trafficking?

Examples of corrective steps include:

  1. Providing remediation direct to the worker affected (backpayment of wages, support to prosecute or pursue a civil claim etc)

  2. Informing senior management of instances of modern slavery

  3. Taking steps to support or work with the supplier to respond to instances of modern slavery by instigating corrective action plans, or

  4. Cancelling the contracts of suppliers who are found to use modern slavery


Please note this metric is not necessarily reliant on the metric ‘MSA incidents identified’. Remediation policies can be in place regardless of whether incidents have been identified. Where the company has identified at least one incident of slavery, this question can be answered in relation to their response to those incidents. Where the company has not identified any incidents of slavery, this question should be answered based on whether they describe a clear plan or policy for remediating such incidents should they be identified in future.

If the company specifies the remediation available for individual workers affected by modern slavery, such as backpayment of wages or support to pursue a claim, please select the “Worker remediation” value.

If the company specifies that senior management will be informed if instances of modern slavery have been identified, please select the “Senior management” value.

If the company supports the supplier to respond to instances of modern slavery, please select the “Corrective action plan” value.

If the company identifies punitive action, by cancelling the contracts of suppliers, please select the “Cancel contracts” value.

If no such information exists in the statement, then please select “No”.

Please select as many options as apply.

Please include a comment that copies relevant information from the statement.

If the remediation action described in the statement is not listed above among the possible answer options, please include the information from the statement in the comments section, and flag for review.

If the business indicates it is developing a remediation policy or planning to implement one in the future, please indicate “In Development” and again provide details in the comment.

DS Smith, MSA Statement 2015, p. 3

“If an issue is identified with a supplier we will work with them to prepare a corrective action plan and resolve all violations within an agreed upon time period. In our revised Global Supplier Standard, we reserve the right to terminate our relationship with individuals and organisations in our supply chain if found to be in breach of our anti-slavery and human trafficking policy."

* Note on choosing the Year of your answer

Read the MSA Statement carefully to find out what year it covers. For instance, if the statement relates to activities and actions undertaken in the period January - October 2016, choose 2016 as your answer's year.

Companies may report in fiscal years (FY) that include months from two different calendar years. In this case, apply the following rule:

  • If the latest calendar year ends in Q1 (January-March) cite the previous calendar year. For example: a statement for FY 2016/17 ending in March should be used for adding data for the year 2016.
  • If the latest calendar year ends in Q2 or later (April-December) cite the latest calendar year. For example: a statement for FY2016/17 ending in April should be used for adding data for the year 2017.