Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA)+Image
Total grounds area (hectares)
What is the total grounds area (in hectares)?

About the data

This field contains data about total grounds area. The value can be recorded to three decimal places. This is applicable to higher education providers (HEP) in Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Reason required: sector use and benchmarking.
Total grounds area for the whole estate.

The total hectarage of grounds (including residential areas) regularly maintained by the HEP. Include the area of surface level car parks, highways, operational farmland, listed or heritage areas and areas of ground water e.g. ponds, lakes and rivers, which are the maintenance responsibility of the HEP.

Exclude space allocated under Playing fields area, farmland held for investment or primarily commercial purposes and space which is left fallow (e.g. development sites, non-maintained woodland etc.) and any areas of water maintained by others e.g. Department for the Environment, British Waterways Board etc.
Value Type
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Corporate Social Responsibility Report