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1.2 Traceability
What score did the company achieve for this indicator in the Fashion Transparency Index?
Fashion Revolution

About the data

This subsection focuses on whether brands are publishing supplier lists, focusing on the level of detail provided at three different levels: 

  1. The factories where clothes are made are often referred to as the first-tier or tier 1 manufacturers — in other words, the facilities with which brands have a direct relationship and typically do the cutting, sewing and final trims of products; 
  2. The processing facilities further down the supply chain — knitting, weaving and spinning mills, wet processing, embroidery, printing and finishing, dyehouses, tanneries and laundries; 
  3. The suppliers of raw materials — primary materials such as fibres, hides, rubbers, chemicals and metals.

In this research, the methodology is more concise to focus on decarbonisation. Some indicators typically reviewed in the traceability section of the Global Fashion Transparency Index have been removed.

Answers are calculated as a weighted average. To find a weighted average of a group of numbers that have been normalized to the same 0-10 scale, you simply multiply each number by its weight (percentage) and add them up.