World Benchmarking Alliance+Image
CSI Theme A - Respect human rights
What does the company score on respecting human rights?

About the data

This indicator grouping is comrpised of the following core social indicators weighted equally to the final score:

CSI 1 - Commitment to respect human rights

CSI 2 - Commitment to respect the human rights of workers

CSI 3 - Identifying human rights risk and impacts

CSI 4 - Assessing human rights risks and impacts

CSI 5 - Integrating and acting on human rights risk and impact assessments

CSI 6 - Engaging with affected and potentially affected stakeholders

CSI 7 - Grievance mechanisms for workers

CSI 8 - Grievance mechanisms for external individuals and communities

Answers are calculated as a weighted average. To find a weighted average of a group of numbers that have been normalized to the same 0-10 scale, you simply multiply each number by its weight (percentage) and add them up.
