World Benchmarking Alliance+Image
CSI Theme B - Provide and promote decent work
What does the company score on providing and promoting decent work?

About the data

This indicator grouping is comrpised of the following core social indicators weighted equally to the final score:

  • CSI 9 - Health and safety fundamentals
  • CSI 10 - Living wage fundamentals
  • CSI 11 - Working hours fundamentals
  • CSI 12 - Collective bargaining fundamentals
  • CSI 13 - Workforce diversity disclosure fundamentals
  • CSI 14 - Gender equality and women’s empowerment fundamentals 

Answers are calculated as a weighted average. To find a weighted average of a group of numbers that have been normalized to the same 0-10 scale, you simply multiply each number by its weight (percentage) and add them up.
