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MSA risk assessment
How does the company assess the risks of modern slavery and trafficking in their supply chain?
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About the data

After mapping out their supply chain, a company must then assess the risk of modern slavery occurring within it. This enables the company to take targeted action against modern slavery. This assessment can take place as part of an organisation’s wider approach to risk, but should be proportionate the company’s size, structure, location of supply chains and nature of business.

For further information on Risk Assessment please refer to the Home Office Guidance, pp. 34-35.

Does the company’s statement include details about whether the company has taken steps to assess risk of slavery or forced labour in its operations and/or supply chain? This metric asks how a company assesses risks, not which risks it has identified. The risk assessment tools must be specific to modern slavery and go beyond general tools related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

This can include:

  1. Requiring all new suppliers to complete risk-based questionnaires. If the company reports conducting employee interviews as part of its risk assessment process, this would also fall under "Risk-based questionnaires".

  2. The use of a specified risk management database or tool, such as Maplecroft or Sedex, or

  3. Conducting research to assess risk, for example using existing research such as the Global Slavery Index, the Corruption Perception Index, Human Rights Watch reports, Amnesty International Reports or reports produced by the UN.

Please note this metric refers to the tools or mechanisms that company’s use to assess risk. Identifying where risk is highest is covered under the metric: ‘MSA Identification of risks’

*Select as many examples of training as apply:

  • “Risk-based questionnaires” if a company outlines that it requires suppliers or workers to complete questions 
  • “Use of risk management tool or software” if a company describes a tool, such as a risk matrix, or the use of software such as maplecroft or sedex.
  • “Conducting research” if a company describes conducting its own research into its supply chain
  • “In Development” if the business indicates it is developing risk management tools specific to modern slavery or planning to implement one in the future, please indicate 

Select “No” where there are no details of risk assessment strategies.

For each value, please include a comment that copies relevant information and page numbers from the statement. If the policy that you wish to include is not listed among the answer options, please add a comment and flag the section for review.

* Note on choosing the Year of your answer

Read the MSA Statement carefully to find out what year it covers.

When a statement is referring to a Financial Year (FY) ending in Q1 or early Q2, it should be labeled with the previous year. Example:

  • Statement for FY2018/19 ending in April 2019 = 2018
  • Statement for FY2018/19 ending in May 2019 (or later) = 2019
Value Type
Risk-based questionnaires
Use of risk management tool or software
Conducting desk research including information from third parties/NGO's
In Development
Research Policy
Community Assessed
Report Type
Modern Slavery Statement
Katharine Bryant