OpenCorporates maintains a huge open database of data about legal corporate entities, while Wikirate maintains a huge open database of data about reporting companies. By mapping the two, you can make it possible for people to perform analyses that help to tackle corruption and to create a trusted business ecosystem.
- Check that you’re logged into your account. If you are not logged in, log in or sign up first.
- Click on a company name from the list below. You will be directed to the Company Page on Wikirate
- Go to www.opencorporates.com
- Search for the company name you are researching
- From the list of companies, use the one that matches the headquarters listed on Wikirate
- If there is no match, research a different company (go back to step 1)
- Copy the Company Number (e.g. D3304V_HRB13085)
- Go back to the Company Page on Wikirate
- On the right panel, click on +OpenCorporates
- Paste the Company NumberÂ
- Click "Submit"