A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company disclose its processes to implement preventive and corrective action plans for identified specific risks to the right to water and sanitation in its own operations?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company require access to water and sanitation, including refraining from negatively affecting access to safe water, to be included in contractual arrangements with its business relationships?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company work with its business relationships to improve its practices on access to water and sanitation?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect human rights, which is approved by the highest governance body?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respecting the human rights that the ILO has declared to be fundamental rights at work, which is approved by the highest governance body?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available statement of policy that expects its business relationships to commit to respecting the human rights that the ILO has declared to be fundamental rights at work?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company describe its process(es) for assessing its human rights risks and disclose what it considers to be its salient human rights issues? This description includes how relevant factors are taken into account, such as geographical, economic, social and other factors.
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company publicly disclose the results of its assessments, which may be aggregated across its operations and locations?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company disclose the categories of stakeholders whose human rights have been or may be affected by its activities?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company provide at least two examples of its engagement with stakeholders whose human rights have been or may be affected by its activities (or their legitimate representatives or multi-stakeholder initiatives) in the last two years?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company indicate that it has one or more channel(s)/mechanism(s), or participates in a third-party or shared mechanism, accessible to all workers to raise complaints or concerns related to the company?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company disclose the proportion of its total direct operations workforce for each employee category by age group?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company disclose the proportion of its total direct operations workforce for each employee category by gender?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a public expectation that its business relationships shall not require workers to work more than 48 hours in a regular work week or 60 hours including overtime?