A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the name of the parent company for each of its processing facilities (if applicable)?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose its raw material facilities (specific location)?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the name of the parent company for each of its raw material facilities (if applicable)?
What is the median gender pay gap present within the company's bonus pay?
Negative values represent the median female pay being greater than the median male pay.
During this reporting period, how many incidents of discrimination were reported?
During this reporting period, how many workers died because of a work-related incident?
What percentage of the company's board of directors are women?
What percentage of the company's employees are female?
How many male people does the company employ?
How many female people does the company employ?
Has the company produced a statement in relation to any Modern Slavery legislation or Act?
What is the median gender pay gap present within the company's hourly pay?
Negative values represent the median female pay being greater than the median male pay.
What is the average gender pay gap present within the company's hourly pay?
Negative values represent female pay being greater than male pay on average.
What is the company's annual revenue?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the specific raw materials, fibers, products, and services produced by its raw material facilities?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company make the list of its raw material facilities publicly available in an open data format (aligning with the Open Data Standard for the Apparel Sector) in order to make this information easy to use for trade unions and NGOs?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company contribute the list of its raw material facilities to the Open Supply Hub, in order to enable collaboration, as well as easy and efficient access for trade unions & NGOs?
What country is the company primarily located in?
What is the average gender pay gap present within the company's bonus pay?
Negative values represent female pay being greater than male pay on average.