A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect human rights OR a publicly available policy statement committing it to the rights under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) OR a publicly available policy statement committing it to the International Bill of Human Rights?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement that also commits it to respecting: the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) OR a publicly available policy statement also commits it to respecting: the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect the human rights that the ILO has declared to be fundamental rights at work AND does the company’s policy statement include explicit commitments to respect: freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining and the rights not to be subject to forced labour, child labour or discrimination in respect of employment and occupation?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company’s publicly available policy statement also expect its suppliers/extractive business partners to commit to respecting the human rights that the ILO has declared to be fundamental rights at work AND the company’s publicly available policy statement explicitly lists them in that commitment.?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect the health and safety of workers AND does the company commit to respecting the ILO conventions on labour standards on working hours or does the company publicly state that workers shall not be required to work more than 48 hours in a regular work week or 60 hours including overtime and that all overtime work must be consensual and paid at a premium rate?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company’s publicly available policy statement also expect its suppliers/extractive business partners to commit to respecting the health and safety of their workers AND does the company’s publicly available policy statement also expect its suppliers/extractive business partners to commit to the ILO conventions on labour standards on working hours or does the company has a public expectation that its extractive business partners shall not require workers to work more than 48 hours in a regular work week or 60 hours including overtime and that all overtime work must be consensual and be paid at a premium rate?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company expect its extractive business partners to make these commitments?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company indicate that a board member or board committee is tasked with specific governance oversight of respect for human rights AND does the company describe the human rights expertise of the board member or board committee tasked with that governance oversight?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company also commit to working with human rights defenders to create safe and enabling environments for civic engagement and human rights at local, national or international levels?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to neither tolerate nor contribute to threats, intimidation and attacks (both physical and legal) against human rights defenders AND does the company expect its suppliers/extractive business partners to make this commitment?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company’s publicly available policy statement also commit it to collaborate with judicial or non-judicial mechanisms to provide access to remedy AND the policy statement include a commitment to work with suppliers/extractive business partners to remedy adverse impacts that are directly linked to the company’s operations, products or services?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to remedy the adverse impacts on individuals and workers and communities that it has caused or contributed to AND does the company expect its suppliers/extractive business partners to make this commitment?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company’s publicly available policy statement committing it to respect women’s rights also refer to the relevant part(s) of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women or of the Women’s Empowerment Principles OR does the company’s publicly available policy statement committing it to respect children’s rights also refer to the relevant part(s) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child or of the Children’s Rights and Business Principles OR does the company’s publicly available policy statement committing it to respect migrant workers’ rights also refers to the relevant part(s) of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families AND does the company’s policy statement(s) also expect(s) its suppliers to make these commitments?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect: women’s rights OR does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect: children’s rights OR does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect: migrant workers’ rights AND, in addition to at least one of the above does the company’s policy statement(s) also expect(s) its suppliers to make these commitments?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company’s responsible sourcing policy statement to follow the OECD Guidance explicitly cover all minerals AND does the company expect its suppliers to include a similar requirement for their suppliers?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to the responsible sourcing of minerals AND does the company commit to following the OECD Guidance at least in respect of 3TG AND does the company require its suppliers to follow the company’s responsible sourcing policy, or does the company require its suppliers to follow the OECD Guidance?
World Benchmarking Alliance
Does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect: women’s rights OR does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect: children’s rights OR does the company have a publicly available policy statement committing it to respect: migrant workers’ rights AND, in addition to at least one of the above does the company’s policy statement(s) also expect(s) its suppliers to make these commitments?