A metric is a tool to measure company performance and to compare companies by asking the same questions across several years. Dive deeper with the Metrics Guide.
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Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose Corrective Action Plans and the remediation status by named-facility?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company describe a confidential whistleblowing or grievance mechanism (e.g. web form, email, hotline) for direct employees?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company explain how the whistleblowing or grievance mechanism for direct employees is implemented?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company describe a confidential whistleblowing or grievance mechanism (e.g. web form, email, hotline) for supply chain workers?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company explain how the whistleblowing or grievance mechanism for supply chain workers is implemented?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company explain how supply chain workers are informed of the whistleblowing or grievance mechanism?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose if the whistleblowing procedure or grievance mechanism is included in the supplier/vendor policies?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose data about the number of reported violations or grievances from supply chain workers that are filed, addressed and resolved?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose their approach to recruitment fees in the supply chain, including whether the company requires that no fees or related costs be charged to supply chain workers during recruitment processes and that the company ensures that fees or related costs paid by workers are reimbursed?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose information on the recruitment agencies used by its suppliers?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose whether interviews are conducted with workers about their recruitment journey to establish if any fees or related costs have been paid?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose their approach to achieving the payment of living wages to workers in the supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish a time-bound, measurable roadmap/strategy for how it will achieve a living wage for all workers across its supplier chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company report annual, measurable progress towards paying living wages to workers in the supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose what living wage estimates they use to track and benchmark wages for workers in its supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish the % above the minimum wage workers are getting paid in its supply chain?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose the % or number of workers in supply chain that are being paid a living wage rate?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose its method for calculating and ring-fencing labour costs in price negotiations?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company publish the % of orders/volume for which wages and other labour costs (such as wages increases) are isolated/ring-fenced?
Fashion Revolution
Does the company disclose a policy to pay suppliers within a maximum of 60 days?